A full-time freelancer, my recent magazine assignments have included feature articles and photos for Outdoor Life, Turkey Call (NWTF), Realtree Outdoors (waterfowl and turkey special issues), Turkey & Turkey Hunting (F+W Publications), Turkey Hunting Strategies (Harris), Get in the Game (NWTF), and the Ruffed Grouse Society magazine (RGS).
As a newspaper columnist/photographer, I've contributed weekly hunting/angling/nature-related content to Foster's Sunday Citizen (Dover/Laconia, NH) since November 1997, and continue to enjoy a regional connection with readers. I provided writing on the outdoors for the Portsmouth Herald (1991-1997) before moving to Foster's ten years ago.
My credits over the past two decades range widely, and include Gray's Sporting Journal (both the print magazine and television, namely the "Wings from the Steppes" and "The Eastern Wild Turkey" films), Sports Afield (during their N.Y. City era), Fur-Fish-Game, Sportsman's Hunting Yearbook (now defunct, r.i.p.), Waterfowl Hunter, Shooting Sportsman, New Hampshire Wildlife Journal, New England Game & Fish, Flyfishing New England, Realtree.com, dto.com, Cabelas.com, and ESPNOutdoors.com, among many other online and print publications. You'll find plenty of my archived articles floating in cyberspace.
I've contributed content to books such as A.D. Livingston's Duck & Goose Cookbook (Stackpole Books), M.D. Johnson's Small Game Hunting (Krause), and Guide to Pheasant Hunting (Stackpole Books), plus Campsite to Kitchen (OWAA), along with mention in Bernie Taylor's Big Trout (The Lyons Press). Flyfisher's Guide to Northern New England (Wilderness Adventures Press) survived three printings, and I've a turkey hunting book in production for Fall 2007 release (Stackpole Books). Stay tuned.
As a "writer who teaches," and as part of my evening social life, I'm an adjunct for the University System of New Hampshire (1991-present), and hold writing-intensive degrees from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania (B.S.--no jokes about that acronym, please), and the University of New Hampshire (M.A.). My Granite State College "Writing Process" course meets Monday nights this 2007 Winter Term.
I'm a longtime member of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, and Ruffed Grouse Society, among other such pro-hunting, conservation organizations, and professional writer's groups as well. A Pennsylvania native, I fully intended to return there right after grad school (20 years ago), but still find myself in New England. Locals tell me I don't talk right, but hey. The son of a beagle man, I favor English setters these days.
Please contact me by email regarding assignments, writing solutions for your business, questions about the outdoors, or just to correspond. Thanks.