Let's see, here in the dog days of summer as my English setters pant in corners of this home office (97 degrees F.!), I'm working on my book Turkey Calls and Calling, which is slated for Spring '09 release by my publisher Stackpole Books. My Fall and Winter Turkey Hunter's Handbook is forthcoming in August (Stackpole). The author's advanced copy I just received looks super. I'm pleased with it, and I think readers will both enjoy the text, which is written from the heart, and based on direct field experience, plus the color photos throughout.
As articles go, look for turkey features in Turkey Call, Turkey & Turkey Hunting, and N.H. Wildlife Journal come August, plus articles I'm working on for late '07, and into '08 (Outdoor Life, Cabela's Outfitter Journal, Realtree.com, T&TH, and others, including material for the Yamaha Outdoors website--on this, more once we go live).
As usual, you New England readers can check in with me in Foster's Sunday Citizen, where I've contributed material on the outdoors for a decade.
--Steve Hickoff (text/photo)