Vests carry what you need to setups, and what you might need. Here’s what’s in mine:
* Waterproof, no-chalk box call.
* Several mouth diaphragms.
* A slate-style call or two, various strikers, with friction call dressing materials.
* Crow call, and owl hooter.
* Toilet paper in a small plastic bag.
* 12-gauge turkey loads (No. 5 or No. 6 shot)
* Penlight.
* Knife.
* Water bottle, and snacks.
* Bug repellent.
* Hunting regulations/licenses/permits for the state I’m in at the time.
* Maps of the hunting region.
* Pen. Notebook.
* Wire ties for leg-fastened turkey tags.
Might Need:
* Pruning shears.
* Extra pair of gloves and facemask.
* Binoculars.
* Digital camera.
* Decoys.
* Roll-up raingear.
* Waterproof matches or lighter.
* GPS. Compass. Cell phone.
* Extra seat cushion.
For Luck:
As the season progresses and I hunt other states, I leave the empty shell hulls of turkey loads I’ve used to tag gobblers that year in my game vest.
--Steve Hickoff
(Steve Hickoff photo)